🍏 Apple's Link Tracking Protection: A Challenge for Digital Marketers

By Maya Kyler on October 21, 2023

Apple has long been at the forefront of privacy and data security initiatives, and they are making a significant move to enhance user privacy with the introduction of Link Tracking Protection. While this is a commendable step for users, it has the potential to disrupt digital marketing efforts, particularly those reliant on UTM parameters. In this blog post, we'll discuss Apple's Link Tracking Protection, its impact on digital marketing, and how using the link shortener y.gy an help marketers preserve their UTM campaigns in the face of these changes.
Apple's Link Tracking Protection, a new feature in Safari , is designed to bolster user privacy by preventing websites from tracking user behavior through link clicks. This feature will strip URL parameters such as UTM codes, gclid, and other tracking elements from clicked URLs, enhancing user privacy and ensuring that users maintain control over their online data.

The Negative Impact on Digital Marketing

While Apple's move is undoubtedly a win for user privacy, it poses challenges for digital marketers who rely on these parameters to track and analyze user engagement, measure campaign effectiveness, and optimize their marketing efforts. The loss of UTM parameters means that marketers may find it increasingly difficult to attribute conversions, understand user behavior, and refine their strategies. In general, marketers need some level of URL tracking in order to tell if their marketing campaigns are effective!

UTM Parameters: Key to Digital Marketing

Before we dive into how a URL shortener like y.gy can help marketers overcome the hurdles posed by Apple's Link Tracking Protection, it's essential to understand the significance of UTM parameters in digital marketing.
UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) parameters are tags added to the end of URLs to help track the effectiveness of various marketing campaigns. These parameters include elements like source, medium, campaign name, term, and content. They allow marketers to identify precisely where website traffic is coming from and assess the performance of different marketing channels.
For instance, a UTM-tagged link might look like this:
In this example, the UTM parameters 'source,' 'medium,' and 'campaign' reveal that the visitor came from Twitter, via a social medium, as part of a campaign promoting a blog post.
UTM parameters are invaluable for marketers because they provide a comprehensive view of campaign performance, enabling them to:
  1. Measure Traffic Sources: Identify which channels drive the most traffic to their websites, such as social media, email marketing, or search engines.
  2. Evaluate Campaign Effectiveness: Understand how well each campaign performs, distinguishing successful ones from those that need improvement.
  3. Optimize Marketing Strategies: Make data-driven decisions to refine marketing efforts, allocate resources effectively, and increase ROI.
Apple's Link Tracking Protection aims to enhance user privacy by preventing websites from tracking user behavior via link clicks. However, it also impacts the information marketers can collect from UTM parameters. When users click on a UTM-tagged link in Safari with Link Tracking Protection enabled, the parameters are stripped from the URL, making it challenging for marketers to attribute conversions and assess campaign performance accurately.

How y.gy Rescues Your UTM Campaigns

Now that we understand the importance of UTM parameters and the challenges posed by Apple's Link Tracking Protection, let's explore how the y.gy link shortener can be the savior for marketers looking to navigate this changing digital marketing landscape. It's pretty simple, really: when you shorten a link using y.gy, you are taking a link with a full set of parameters, e.g. https://example.com?user=1234&utm_source=klaviyo&utm_campaign=blog&search_key=8298 and reducing it to something like https://y.gy/aqwrt. Importantly, all those parameters are still "inside" the shortened link. When someone clicks on the y.gy shortened URL, they are redirected to it, but y.gy now has a record of that click for that exact long URL, including at what time, in what geography, what device the user was on. That's hugely useful to a digital marketer: it totally sidesteps Apple's Link Tracking Protection. Specifically, using a link shortener like y.gy has the following advantages:
  1. Automated UTM Preservation: When you use y.gy to shorten your URLs, it automatically carries over your UTM parameters. This means that even when users click on your y.gy link, your UTM tracking remains intact.
  2. Custom Short Links: With y.gy, you can create custom, branded short links that enhance your brand's recognition and user trust. These links can be shared across various platforms without compromising your marketing efforts.
  3. Comprehensive Analytics: y.gy offers analytics tools that allow you to track the performance of your links. You can monitor click-through rates, conversions, and other key metrics to gain valuable insights into the success of your campaigns.
  4. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Y.gy links are compatible with various social media platforms, email marketing campaigns, and other digital marketing channels. This means your marketing campaigns will remain effective across all platforms.
In addition to preserving UTM parameters, using a link shortener like y.gy offers several valuable features for marketers:
  • Branded Short Links: y.gy allows you to create branded short links that strengthen your brand identity and increase user trust. Customizing your links with your brand name or keywords can help your audience recognize your content instantly.
  • Link Analytics: y.gy provides detailed link analytics that can help you measure the performance of your campaigns. You can track click-through rates, geographic locations of your audience, and more, enabling you to make informed decisions.
  • Link Management: y.gy offers a user-friendly dashboard where you can manage all your shortened links, making it easy to organize and track your marketing campaigns effectively.
  • Mass Access: on y.gy, you can shorten thousands or tens of thousands of links. Make one for every user, dynamically generate them whenever you need -- we provide API access to make it easy.
To conclude, Apple's Link Tracking Protection is a significant step forward in terms of user privacy, but it presents a challenge for digital marketers. However, with the use of a URL shortener like y.gy, marketers can adapt to this changing landscape while preserving their UTM campaigns. By automatically maintaining UTM parameters and offering powerful analytics, y.gy ensures that your marketing efforts remain effective and data-driven. So, if you're a marketer looking to navigate the evolving digital marketing landscape with confidence, y.gy is your answer to preserving your UTM campaigns and driving meaningful results. With y.gy, you can continue to make informed marketing decisions and deliver the best possible content to your audience, despite Apple's changes.

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Link shortening for everyone. Get started with a powerful, yet affordable option to start tracking your marketing efforts.

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