💡 The Difference Between Paid and Free QR Codes

By Maya Kyler on April 6, 2024

Some QR code generators are free, and others require payment. Here at Y.GY, we have both. In this blog post, we want to highlight the key differences between these two options, and cover when you might want to pay for a QR code, and when you don't need to. The key is that free QR codes are static, whereas paid QR codes are dynamic. We'll explain how to think about static QR codes and dynamic QR codes further below.

QR Codes: The Basics

QR codes are those square-shaped symbols composed of black-and-white patterns. They are basically hyperlinks; the black-and-white pattern (like a barcode) encodes a link to a website. A simple scan with a smartphone's camera instantly redirects you to the encoded digital destination. It's the easiest way to point a person in real life to a website (rather than typing out a long URL), and that's why it's so popular for integrating digital content into physical mediums like print ads, product packaging, and event signage.

Static QR Codes vs. Dynamic QR Codes

Y.GY offers two types of QR codes: static and dynamic.
  • Static QR Codes: Once created, the destination of a static QR code is fixed, making it impossible to modify. Ideal for permanent or long-term content sharing, these codes are provided free of charge via our free QR code generator, and do not expire.
  • Dynamic QR Codes: Dynamic QR codes offer the ability to change the destination URL even after the code has been distributed. Leveraging Y.GY's link shortening service, scanning a dynamic QR code first redirects to a Y.GY link, and from there to the end destination URL. Passing the traffic through Y.GY allows for real-time tracking of scan metrics, and updating the end destination when needed. This feature is particularly beneficial for ongoing marketing efforts and content that requires regular updates.
The diagram below makes the difference even clearer:
Chart showing difference between a paid and free QR code
You get static QR codes from our Free QR Code Creator , and dynamic QR codes from our Paid Product that starts at $4/month, accessible via your Dashboard.

When to Use a Static or Dynamic QR Code?

The choice between static and dynamic QR codes depends on your specific needs.
  • Marketing and social media campaigns needing real-time URL updates.
  • Tracking engagement and analytics in large-scale advertising on billboards, television, and digital displays.
  • Business cards and event invitations for up-to-date contact information and event details.
Static QR Codes are suitable for:
  • Simple content sharing among a small group.
  • Internal organizational use where content remains constant.
  • Anyone looking to utilize QR codes without incurring costs.
Importantly, static QR codes are only safe if your link never changes. If you're putting a QR code on a billboard or on a business card, then that destination link should never change. If the link needs to be updated, then there's no way to do that with that QR code unless you re-print the materials. Even if you don't think you will ever need to change the link, Dynamic QR codes will give you some extra peace of mind by making your printed QR code robust against needing any potential changes.

Our QR Code Solutions

To create a straightforward Static QR code, simply visit our Free QR Code Generator . Because these are static QR codes that link directly to your destination URL, they will never expire. The QR code is just a representation of your link, with no middleman in-between.
For a Dynamic QR Code, start by signing up for Y.GY From there, creating a QR code is easy — just click the "New Link" button and configure your link. Once you submit, we'll instantly generate a corresponding QR code for you, as shown below:
Example of QR code generated by Y.GY in the dashboard

Any Other Notes?

One thing to watch out for is that a lot of free QR code generators online will tell you that it's free, but it's really only a free trial. After a few weeks, once you've already printed out your QR code, they hold you hostage and force you to pay because it's a dynamic QR code. Remember our diagram from earlier: a dynamic QR code means that they sit in the middle, which gives them a lot of leverage. If they delete your QR code, then it won't work anymore.
Here at Y.GY, we think that what some of these other QR Code websites are doing is a really gross scam. We're committed to never using our position with Dynamic QR codes against you: if you sign up, and make a dynamic QR code, and you want to stop paying at some point, that's fine. Your QR code will stay up forever. So long as Y.GY exists, we will never delete or expire any links automatically. Even if you're not a customer anymore, your link is safe with us, and you can rest assured that it will keep working afterward.

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Link shortening for everyone. Get started with a powerful, yet affordable option to start tracking your marketing efforts.

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